Tips for a (mostly) Stress Free Family Photo Session from a Canton, Ohio Photographer

If the mere thought of wrangling your kids into coordinated (notice I didn’t say MATCHING) outfits for a family photoshoot makes you break out in a cold sweat, I'm here to tell you: You are not the only one.

If I’m being honest…even I have been known to run to Target for a shirt for one of my kids the day of our own photos (oops) and not follow all the directions I know I should to prep my kids.

But, regardless of the whole do as I say not as I do (I’m human too) situation, there ARE some ways to make this less stressful and to know what to expect and how to plan this all out. I swear.

Buckle up, because I'm about to spill the beans on how to transform your family photoshoot from a hair-pulling ordeal to a (mainly) enjoyable experience.

1. Dress the Part

The number one question: What do we wear?! Seriously, if you have me as your photographer, you will NOT have to worry about this one! I've got a secret weapon up my sleeve: a virtual styling tool that will literally give you everything you need in the few clicks of a button! Gone are the days of everyone wearing the exact same color like a cheesy boy band, and coordinating with colors, patterns, and textures is IN! Let your family's personalities shine through with complementary hues and styles. And the virtual styling tool will be so helpful in helping you figure all of this out! After booking, you’ll get a link and a special access code to use it, and you’ll put in ages, members of your family, and choose a few favorite color options and it will give you coordinating options of items you can purchase! I do also offer a client closet for women and kids clothing with items you can use.

2. The Power of the Snack

Hungry kids are like ticking time bombs, ready to explode into tantrums at any moment. The solution? Snacks, BEFORE PHOTOS, my friend. Pack a stash of their favorite munchies to keep those tummies satisfied and the hangry monsters at bay. But, please give them dinner, don’t make them wait, and have those snacks IN the car before we start.

3. Timing Is Everything

Sunrise and sunset are your new new best friends. The soft, warm light during these golden hours is like an Instagram filter from the universe itself. Sunrise is usually when your little ones are usually at their freshest and most cooperative, if you have very young kids. And sunset gives you plenty of time to get ready after work and post kids activities and school! So, pick your poison, evening or morning ;)

4. Bribery? You Bet!

Listen, bribery is not a dirty word in the parenting playbook when pictures are at hand. A promise of ice cream or an adventure after the shoot can work wonders in motivating your tiny models. Plus, it's a sneaky way to keep them excited and engaged during the session.

5. Embrace the Madness

Here's the deal: perfection is overrated. Embrace the giggles, the messy hair, and the wild spirit of your crew. Some of the most memorable shots happen when you least expect them. So, let your kids run wild, let your partner make funny faces, and let yourself relax. The more authentic the moments, the more treasured the memories. No one likes the photo where they are turning yelling STOP IT at their kids, but sometimes, you just might LOVE the one with their goofy giggly face making farting noises.

Remember, it's not about creating a flawless masterpiece; it's about capturing the beautiful, sometimes overwhelming, mess that is your family. So get the outfits, feed the tiny monsters, and savor the moment.

If you are ready to transform chaos into captivating memories, let’s chat and plan your stress-free family photoshoot today.

PS - enjoy the following photos from one of my all time favorite families, who always kills it with outfits, and knows how to just enjoy the chaos that comes with having young children and trying to take photos!


Richard’s Family Maternity Outdoor Session in Akron, Ohio


Theresa & Millie Motherhood Studio Session in Medina, Ohio